Pan francais, the typical Curacao breadroll, to be enjoyed with lomito, karko or anything savoury really. In this recipe I combine the lovely bread with some rum and raisins, it’s almost weekend after all!

What you’ll need for 4 persons:
– some soft butter to grease the ovenproof dish and to butter the pieces of bread
– some apricot jam ( look for the one with more fruit, less sugar)
– 2 or 3 pan francais, or baguette, preferably a day old
– a big handful of sultanas
– 2 eggs
– 2 egg yolks
– 4 tablespoons of castor sugar
– 300 ml cream
– 300 ml full cream milk
– 4 tablespoons of Appleton Estate Jamaica rum
– some extra brown sugar to sprinkle
Slice the pan francais into 2 – 3 cm thick slices and butter one side of each slice.
Butter the ovenproof dish, followed by a spoonful of apricot jam and layer the buttered slices just slightly overlapping each other. Sprinkle some of the sultanas in, under and over the bread pieces.
Crack the eggs in a mixing bowl, gently separate the yolk and the white and only add the yolk to the bowl.
Add the sugar and mix with an electrical mixer (or by hand if you need a bit of a workout) until creamy. Add the cream, milk and rum and combine well.
Pour the mixture evenly over the bread and raisins and let it soak for a few minutes. Sprinkle some brown sugar on top.
Pop the dish into the oven for about 30 minutes at 180C until the custard has set and the bread has gone golden on top. This is absolutely delicious with some freshly shipped cream, or some real deal vanilla ice cream!