Last Sunday marked the first screening of the health awareness documentary ‘Hungry for Change’, an original Food Matters film.
The screening was organised by a trio of healthy eating advocates Melanie Muskus (Mel’s Bliss), Femi Meaux of Hofi Cas Cora and Oasean’s Korra Pietersz and it was welcomed with open arms in the Curacao community as many flocked to Hofi Cas Cora on this lovely Sunday evening.

“Hungry for Change exposes shocking secrets the diet, weight-loss and food industry don’t want you to know about; deceptive strategies designed to keep you coming back for more.
Featuring interviews with best selling health authors and leading medical experts plus real life transformational stories with those who know what it’s like to be sick and overweight.
“We believe that your body is worthy of good care and that no one is more suitably qualified to care for it than yourself” – James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch are Nutritional Consultants turned filmmakers. Motivated by an illness in their own family the duo set off to make ‘Food Matters’ and now ‘Hungry For Change’.”

The obesity ratio and the related health problems of many children and adults on Curacao has become a well known problem. As an ambassador for Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution I strive to create more awareness through food education, starting at primary school. Combatting overweight and obesity is not an easy task, but it is not impossible.
The more awareness we create the better, a small change in ones diet can lead to a big change in a few months’ time.
Screening the “Hungry for Change” movie fits right in with this. As is all the other great work these ladies do to create a better health for all.
With the festive season luring around the corner we should all become a little more aware of our consumption, as this is not only about your personal health, we should also start to consider the amount of food wastage, especially during this period. Buy your produce wisely and if possible: locally.
For fresh local produce on Curacao, please check my ‘Eat Local Buy Local tips’.