The most celebrated time of the year is approaching at a rapid pace, so fast even Rudolph can’t keep up! Here’s what I’m up to this December Holiday:

This December Holiday season I’m organising two sessions:
Thursday 20 & Friday 21 December | 9:00 – 12:00
Thursday 27 & Friday 28 December | 9:00 – 12:00
During these morning sessions we will get up to all sorts of Rudolph and Santa kinda naughtiness and we will discover some yumyum goodies that this special season has to offer.
I don’t want to elaborate too much on what we’ll be doing, as it would spoil the surprise! But think in the line of wholesomeness, yumminess and a dash of healthiness 😉
But sugar and spice and all things nice are for sure main ingredients for these sessions.
Let’s not forget about out little animals, who have also been very good this year 😉
Need I say more?!?!
Register here, spots are limited!
If you can’t make it, too bad, but please have a very happy and healthy Holiday!!
-x- Muriel