Blog Real Food Foundation

Food Revolution Day 2016

We pulled it off, once again… all the pre-stress put aside, it was simply an AWESOME day! First and foremost we’d like to thank the generous sponsors* and the volunteers for all their support! We wouldn’t have been able to do this without you! THANK YOU!

Over 200 kids joined us for a cooking workshop at the zoo

Food Revolution Day seems to ‘creep’ in every year for us here on Curacao. Like they say: time flies when you’re having fun! And fun we had!
Before we knew it, it was May…. May is Food Revolution Day month for everyone involved with Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. As I run my own business,  it takes some planning to get together with other ambassadors on the island, get the plans on the table, the tasks, the communication …

Food Revolution Day at the zooA bit of pressure never hurt anyone so we like to increase the pressure a bit on ourselves, this way we seem to function at our best….
However we did it, we did it! And I’m so so so very proud of us, another year, another great event at the Curacao Zoo.
We invited schools and individuals, foundations and special needs schools to attend our free cooking workshops at the zoo.
Saturday 21st May marked our Food Revolution Day, although the ‘real’ Food Revolution Day was celebrated on the Friday we wanted to be sure that all kids could attend.

The workshops were 45 minutes, every hour we had another group. Kids could register online or through school. From 9:00 – 13:00 the zoo was buzzing with kids, parents, teachers and press all feeding their curiosity for our Food Revolution Day.

Over 200 kids joined us for a cooking workshop at the zoo
Over 200 kids joined us for a cooking workshop at the zoo

We had 8 cooking stations this year, there were free range eggs to make omelettes with, Jamie’s tomato spaghetti station, a waffle station using Bob’s Red Mill grains, a tuna sandwich station using micro greens, we had a local nursery making herb butter, a juicing company jazzing up a kid’s cocktail, traditional pumpkin pancakes and homemade peanut butter station.

Kids, parents, guardians, teachers and press all fed their curiosity for Food Revolution Day 2016

In total we had over 200 kids visiting our event, cooking with us, enjoying the fresh produce and getting acquainted with some new produce. Learning some new cooking skills and most importantly having some wholesome fun.

So one more time: a huge shout out to all involved in making this day a Super Special Food Revolution Day 2016 on Curacao!
Masha masha danki! -x-

* Our generous sponsors:
– Zanzibar
– SFT Curacao
– Bakkerij de Zon
– Fuik micro greens
– Grafitex
– Max and Bee
– Blue Bay
– Studio Acht
– Caribbean Packaging
– Vivian’s Nursery
– SGG Curacao
– Thelma & Louise