The day I posted about my plans for FRD2014 not working out so well, was the day when I got a phone call from the director at CAPS (Curacao American Preparatory School) here on Curacao.

She wanted me to come in on Friday as Miss Hayley and the kids (5-6 yrs.) are all very excited to watch, work and learn more about the local fruits available on the island.
Thanks to my dear friend Joce we managed to put a workshop together of about an hour. What a mad rush to get all the ingredients together, as luck would have it the one store was sold out on some of the main ingredients.
Fruits show and tell
The kids were so excited! We were greeted with cheers as we walked in and set up our station. I started with a little show and tell, guessing of the names of the fruits (so interesting as this school has students from all walks of life and Dutch, English and Spanish speaking kids). Then we moved onto guessing the colour of the fruit inside, and slicing or cutting it open to reveal the colour! After slicing the fruits we cut them up in smaller pieces for everyone to taste, the Dragon Fruit was an all time favourite and of course the watermelon.

Fruit Magic
After tasting the fruits as a whole, we started putting some together with some (almond) milk or apple juice to blend into a smoothie. Their faces when they watched the blueberries blend in with the banana and milk: Just priceless! The banana, mango and pineapple smoothie was a great hit too. The green smoothie with spinach didn’t go down so well, must be the veg 😉

Banana Song
Amazing how time flies when you’re having fun, before we knew our time was up. To round it off Miss Hayley and the kids did a dance to the Banana song for us, very cute way to say thank you. The kids had such a good time, one boy gave us a big hug and said that it was the best class he has ever had in his life!
From having no events at schools, to having this one was great. The excitement amongst the kids was wonderful and their reactions to everything they tasted were magical!
We had so much fun and thanks again to CAPS for allowing us to take some of your and the kids’ time for food education. Coincidently, I have had another school interested in having a workshop with kids during school time, Food Revolution continues even after May 16th 2014!