Yay! International Pancake day! What a great day to celebrate this all time family favourite.

The American pancake is different from the ‘European’ pancake. Besides the size, the ingredients are different too; where the American pancakes or Flapjacks are made with self-rising flour the European variety is made with plain flour, milk and eggs, this is why the flapjacks are so nice and fluffy ☺.
We celebrated International Pancake Day 2014 in style: choose to make flapjacks and give them a bit of a Caribbean twist. Add syrup or runny honey to taste.
American pancakes (Flapjacks) with feta, watermelon and blue berries:

American pancakes (Flapjacks) with banana, bacon and chilli.

American pancakes (flapjacks) with banana and coconut shavings.