#EatLocal #BuyLocal is used by many foodies around the world to support the buying and consumption of local produce. I’ve said it before, most of the produce on Curacao gets imported from Europe, States or South America, or even further away.

But thankfully change is coming; last weekend Spice Girl, my fellow Food Revolution Ambassador, organised the 2nd Farmers Market of this year.
What a great way to promote and showcase the local produce. From farm fresh sugarcane and string beans to pickled okra and papaya jam, freshly baked cashew cake and homegrown livestock, there were even fruit trees for sale.
A great and wonderful initiative to see the passion and ambition of all involved. As a Food Revolution Ambassador I was baking some whole grain waffles with the kids while mom & dad walked around soaking up the local goodness.

It’s great to see how many products are grown and made locally and judging by the turnout there seems to be a great interest from the general public too. In order for the local farmers to win the ongoing battle against the supermarket giants we have to keep on supporting them, you can do this by making it a habit to visit the farms, shops and cafes to buy their produce, by keeping an interest in recipes with (mostly) local ingredients and to explore some of the local produce, it’s a whole new adventure ☺ There is so much to taste out there!
If you’re not sure where to start, I jotted a few suggestions down for you to get your local produce on Curacao:
* Hofi Cas Cora (www.facebook.com/hoficascora) – The Eatery is open Friday – Sunday for wonderful farm to table meals, snack and cocktails.
* Spotted Banana (www.facebook.com/TheSpottedBananaCuracao) creates plant-based meal plans that will provide you with essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy lifestyle. They also deliver ☺
* Blaize Stewart is a Dominican farmer growing crops on Curacao. Sent him a friend request on Facebook and he’ll give you directions on how to get to his farm in Ronde Klip.
* Nos Kunuku is an organic farm, here they apply permaculture techniques to promote production of our own healthy food. You can find them on www.facebook.com/nos.kunuku/
* Sembra Simia produces local organic seeds and promotes local (home-) growing of fruits and vegetables. Join their Facebook group on Organic Gardening Sembra Simia
* Noosh , On-the-go nutritionist-developed raw cold-pressed juices & foods made fresh daily with 100% kind ingredients and pure love! www.facebook.com/nooshcoldpress
* Dijtham, although a hard- and homeware store, they were at the market with some great looking plants and fruit trees. www.facebook.com/DijthamCuracao
* Curacao Winery, one of the few tropical wineries in the world, this winery expects to start picking grapes by the beginning of 2016. You can support them by crowdfunding on www.curacaowine.com
* MoHomade showcased her lovely Homemade jams, herb butter and pesto.
And of course Spice Girl, you can find all her delicious recipes on her blog on Modern Caribbean Cuisine on www.caribbeanspicegirl.com
Did I miss any? Please let me know! For now, happy shopping and happy new adventures!

5 replies on “Eat Local Buy Local on Curacao”
hi mo! Homemade met zelf gemaakte jams, kruidenboter en pesto was ook op de 2de farmers market!
Hi Monique, Wat leuk! Ik zet je erbij! 🙂
[…] Screening the “Hungry for Change” movie fits right in with this. As is all the other great work these ladies do to create a better health for all. With the festive season luring around the corner we should all become a little more aware of our consumption, as this is not only about your personal health, we should also start to consider the amount of food wastage, especially during this period. Buy your produce wisely and if possible: locally. For fresh local produce on Curacao, please check my ‘Eat Local Buy Local tips’. […]
Hi – I’m coming to Curacao for 5 days this coming Thursday. Would love to visit a farmers market, some farms, and know about all the best local foods to purchase for cooking or eating out. Thanks!
Hi Karen, Bon bini! Great to hear you’re heading over to Curacao! The island has many great local eateries, one of them being the only farm-to-table restaurant on the island : Hofi Cas Cora (www.facebook.com/HofiCasCora), where I also give my cooking workshops.
Marshe Bieuw is a great place to explore true kriyoyo (local) foods, it’s located in Punda.
To purchase locally grown fruits and veggies I would suggest Plantage Brakkeput Ariba (www.facebook.com/Plantage-Brakkeput-Ariba) they grow and harvest on a weekly basis, real fresh, real food 🙂
Keep me posted on your trip on this island, I’d love to hear from you!