It takes a little preparation, but when these rolls are done it’s cinnamon-roll-bliss! The smell of freshly baked rolls and cinnamon completes your Easter, or any brunch! You can make the dough the night before.

What you’ll need for lots of rolls:
For the dough:
– 100 gram unsalted butter
– 500 mls lukewarm milk
– 5 tablespoons of yeast
– 120 gram sugar
– 1 tablespoon ground cardamom
– ½ teaspoon salt
– 900 gram flour
For the filling:
– 80 gram sugar
– 2 teaspoons cinnamon
– 100 gram unsalted butter
For the glazing:
– 1 egg, whisked
– some (candy) sugar to sprinkle if you like
Mix the butter, sugar, yeast and milk together in a measuring cup.
In a separate mixing bowl add the flour, cardamom and salt. Pour in the milk mixture and knead it into nice dough. If it gets too sticky you can always add some more flour, and of course if it gets too dry you can add some more milk. Leave the dough to prove in a draught free space.
Knock down the dough and roll it into a rectangle shape of about 1 cm thick with a rolling pin.
Combine the cinnamon, sugar and butter and coat the rectangle with this mixture, make sure you cover it from side to side and top to bottom. Roll the dough (towards you) as you would roll a Swiss roll. Cut the roll into 2 – 3 cm slices, place each slice on a with baking paper lined baking tray and leave to prove yet another time.
At this stage you can pop it into the fridge to bake in the morning.
Preheat your oven to 200 °C.
Coat your rolls with some whisked egg to give it even a more golden glow and if you like you can sprinkle some sugar over them before baking for about 10 – 15 minutes.